ESTRADA à Montpellier

le film documentaire ESTRADA - 82 min, sera projeté le vendredi 3 décembre à 19h40 au cinéma Rabelais - 29bd Sarrail à Montpellier centre, dans le cardre du festival Fest'Afilm.

ESTRADA in english

In June 2007, when I lived in Rio De Janeiro and passed in front of the institut medico-legal everyday, I was shuk by the strong smell of death and decomposition pervading the malfunctioning freezers. This is what led me to approach the families on the sidewalk who were waiting for the bodies of their loved-ones to be given back to them.

It is here with them that my work started. My method was to photograph, during the wake, the last portrait of their relative, victim of P.A.F (Perfuração por Arma de Fogo = gunshot wound)

These initials recured on the death certificates that the funeral directors showed me when they indicated the families involved .

It was mainly women that I met and the victims were, in the majority young men, black or of mixed race, living in or near the favelas, and killed by the police .

I meet the families in suburban cemetaries and discover, in the coffin, the face of the deceased surrounded by flowers as if departing on a long journey . In the midst of kisses, caresses, tears and cries of grief and injustice, fainting and prayers. I descretly shout the last portrait of the victim and of the surrounding atmosphere.

Inspired by the photographic tradition of the mortuary photos of the 19 and early 20th century and aware since my first contact with Brazil, both by the rituals and urban violence, I put together in march 2009, at the « Centro Cultural Justiça Federal do Rio de Janeiro », the « PAF » exhibition .

In the exhibition i presented portraits of victims, photos of the wakes, the narratives of the relatives, text, sound and video, all in a atmosphere of denunciation and poetry .

Following this exhibition and the repercussions that it had provoked in the media and the carioca society, i started to produce the documentary film « ESTRADA » in august 2009

The object was to inform a greater public about gunshot killings in Rio De Janeiro.

The increase in the traffic of arms, the profit of drug traffincking, the corruption, police violence, the State indifference and inaccessibility of consume goods, explain why the young who live in the favelas or suburbs of large Brazilian cities have a higher risk than others of being shot .

More than half the carioca population approve of « armed police intervention » to combat drug trafficking and think that the « bandits should die » and ignore the average of 20 gunshot deaths a day in Rio De Janeiro.

The « ESTRADA » film gives a name and a story to theese anonymous deaths and pays them hommage and respect.

Victims, « faller heros » or « martyrs » from the same city, they never cease to be the children, the brothers, the sisters, the friends, the husbands or the wives so terribly and unfairly absent.

With this tragic reality how can we deny that the pain is not also our own ?


mãe e irmã de FELIPE - favela da Maré -

vó de FELIPE

namorada de FELIPE

mãe de DANIEL - Ipanema -

Marcos,pai de Felipe- favela Tabajara

mãe de MAURO e MARCELO - Rocinha -

mãe, flho e irmã de ELISANGELA

Tiago, filho de ELISANGELA


namorada de CRISTIANO

amigo de CRISTIANO


coronel Antonio Carballo Blanco

Deputado Marcelo Freixo

Advogado Taiguara Libano

Compositor Marcelo Yuka

Delegado Orlando Zacconi

Juizo João Damasceno

Sociologo Ignacio Cano

Presidente ONG Rio de Paz

MC Leonardo

MV Bill

Pastor Marcos

Pastor Marcos

Irmão Alvaro

Irmão Rafael

A estrada do Agente Funerario

A estrada do Agente Funerario

o road movie

Os Lugares

Os Lugares
favela Dona Marta

favela Dona Marta

favela Tabajara

Cidade de Deus

praia de Ipanema

praia de Ipanema

favela da Rocinha

favela da Rocinha

favela da Maré

favela Jacarezinho

Favela Nova Brasilia - Complexo do Alemão -

Favela Engenho da Rainha



jeudi 7 octobre 2010

Proxima exibição do filme ESTRADA segunda feira 11 de otoubro as 19 horas no CineMaison do Consulado da França

Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 58

20020-010 Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Seguido de um debate com a direitora e convidados.

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